Russian conscientious objectors are rejected in asylum proceedings, while conscientious objectors in Ukraine are sentenced to long prison terms. More than 100 organizations from over 20 countries show their solidarity and stand up for these people. On the occasion of the war in Ukraine, they are calling for protection and asylum for conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The human right to conscientious objection must also apply in times of war.

Appeal to the Bundestag ↷Appeal to the European Parliament ↷


We are an alliance of civil society organizations. Together, we condemn Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine, which violates international law and has already led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries as well as millions of refugees.

We stand in solidarity with all people who campaign against war. War is a crime against humanity. Many people from Russia and Belarus, but also from Ukraine, who are threatened with military service, are trying to avoid it: They don’t want to kill other people and they don’t want to die in this war. Soldiers on the front line want to lay down their weapons in the face of horror. They all face repression and prison sentences for doing so, in Belarus even the death penalty. But: conscientious objection is an internationally recognized human right!

We demand from the governments of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine: Stop the persecution of conscientious objectors and deserters immediately!

We demand from the EU and the German government: Open the borders! Give opponents of war the opportunity to enter the European Union! Protect conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine and give them asylum!

We invite all people who want to stand up against war and rearmament to take part in the #ObjectWarCampaign! There is no place at our actions for people and groups from the nationalist and anti-democratic spectrum.

Information and support:
We answer questions from affected conscientious objectors and deserters via a Telegram channel Connection e.V. на русском ↷ (English: Connection e.V. in Russian) and a counseling hotline.

European network:
With contacts in Finland, Lithuania, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia and many Western European countries, we have been able to build up a network. The aim is to provide advice and support to those affected so that they can receive protection and asylum and develop a new perspective.

Support the work of the groups financially:
We support the groups of the European network, especially from the countries involved in the war, which support conscientious objectors and deserters. For example, the NO means NO project of the Belarusian organization Our House ↷, Ukrainian Pacifist Movement ↷, Movement of Conscientious Objectors ↷ in Russia and act4transformation ↷, which runs a counselling centre in Georgia.


We would like to thank everyone who has already taken part in the fundraising campaign. So far, 200,000 euros have been received for this work. The money will enable us to secure the work of the European network in the long term.


The three countries have different regulations on conscription, the right to conscientious objection, draft evasion and desertion. Russia and Belarus do not adhere to international standards. Ukraine suspended the right to conscientious objection when the war began.

In Russia and Belarus, an application is only possible until conscription. There is no right to conscientious objection for reservists and soldiers, i.e. not even for those affected by mobilization.

Forced recruitment takes place in the separatist areas. There is no right to conscientious objection. Conscientious objectors are sent to the front or imprisoned.

Ukraine has already sentenced some conscientious objectors to several years in prison.

Especially in the time of war, the human right to conscientious objection is a valuable asset and must be guaranteed. No one may be forced to do military service against their convictions.

In the first year of the war, hundreds of thousands of men and women on all sides evaded military service. Russian and Belarusian conscientious objectors fled mainly to Kazakhstan, Georgia or Armenia. Ukrainian conscientious objectors often went to Western Europe.


More and more people in Russia and Belarus do not want to take part in the war against Ukraine, which violates international law. There are also conscientious objectors in Ukraine. What happens if they apply for asylum in Germany? The principle of jurisdiction is: persecution and punishment for a refusal is classified as legitimate state action. Anyone who has to fear prosecution for this reason alone will not be granted asylum ↷.

The German government had promised that Russian deserters would receive refugee protection. At the beginning of 2023, however, we received the first rejection notices from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees ↷. This concerned deserters who had evaded recruitment at an early stage and were therefore considered to be military draft evaders. It is clear that the federal government’s previous commitment is completely inadequate.

There are also conscientious objectors in Ukraine ↷ who do not want to take part in the fighting. The human right to conscientious objection, as established by the European Court of Human Rights ↷ in 2011, must apply to all of them. If this right is violated, they must be protected as refugees. The temporary humanitarian residence currently granted is not permanent protection.


Connection e.V.
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63075 Offenbach

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