“Adbusting”: Berlin and Helsinki activists demand asylum for conscientious objectors

by DFG-VK Berlin

(11.07.2024) Oops, what are Berlin ad posters doing in Helsinki? And why are they campaigning for asylum for conscientious objectors? The “adbusted” posters are calling for asylum for conscientious objectors from Belarus and Russia. “We are currently in Helsinki to network with antimilitarists from the Baltic Sea region,” reports Roderich Supersonnenwetter, spokesperson for the action group (AfKj!). “So close to the border with Russia, it makes sense to send a signal of solidarity for conscientious objection.” Roderich Supersonnenwetter says: “Asylum for conscientious objectors from Russia and Belarus is a smart way to make it more difficult for Putin to wage his war in Ukraine!”

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Words of welcome on the occasion of the International Day of Conscientious Objection

Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

by Yurii Sheliazhenko, 15.5.2024

Dear friends, greetings from Kyiv and my best wishes for success in your peace initiatives.

Ukraine suffers from brutal criminal invasion of Putin’s army, and global solidarity for nonviolent resistance to Russian aggression is needed to end the war by peaceful means.

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Words of welcome on the occasion of the International Day of Conscientious Objection

International Centre for civil initiatives “Our House” (Belarus)

by Olga Karatch

Today, 15th of May, we commemorate International Conscientious Objector Day. Incredibly, there is a war going on in our region today. And I still cannot comprehend and accept it.

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