Videos / Filme / Видео

Quer TV: Report about action in Frankfurt/Main (45 min)
DFG-VK: Action in Frankfurt/M., Germany, with a Russian and an Ukrainian objector (3 min)
The event in Berlin, March 22, 2024
Artyom Klyga from the Movement of Conscientious Objection Russia gives a statement at the second anniversary of the start of the war against Ukraine.
A video two years after the start of the war against Ukraine / Ein Video zwei Jahre nach Beginn des Krieges gegen die Ukraine
Talk with Russian objector Vladimir
Interview: Russian objector Danil

December 8, 2023, Payday men’s network: We participated in the week of action of #ObjectWarCampaign in London, as we joined the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network’s picket and connected refuseniks from Belarus, Israel, Russia and Ukraine. Full video:

6.12.2023: Transparent-Aktion in Frankfurt/M. im Rahmen der Aktionswoche im Dezember 2023
Action in front of German Bundestag, October 10, 2023

Video from
Deutsche Welle

Aktionswoche: Das machen wir
Week of action: What we are going to do
Interview with Yurii Sheliazhenko about the persecution by the security authorities because of his pacifist activities
Bericht über die Aktion in Brüssel zur Übergabe der Unterschriften der #ObjectWarCampaign an die Europäische Kommission (German)
Übergabe der Unterschriften der #ObjectWarCampaign an die Europäische Kommission. 15. Mai 2023 in Berlin (German)
Maria Alexandrova, Bewegung für Kriegsdienstverweigerung Russland, Redebeitrag am 15. Mai 2023 (English and German)
Olga Karatch, Nash Dom, Belarus, Redebeitrag zum 15. Mai 2023 (English with German subtitles)
The film was created together with conscientious objectors and pacifists from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Finland during the Russian war in Ukraine in 2022 (in Ukrainian/Russian/Belarusian with subtitles in English, German and French languages). February 24, 2023